Thursday 1 November 2007

lecture one notes

A Cultural Studies Model: There are five key points, which are representation, identity, production, consumption and regulation.
On Line Research Issues: Nowadays, internet comes into people's common life. Internet is tich in information. Bell Notes: "Information is not knowledge, knowledge comes from sorting, filtering, and using information. Issues: Citation, Depth of Analysis and Ephemerality of Websites.
In 20th century, people paid more attetion on broadcasting and the mass media. 'The media' have been defined focus on such issues as means of production, governance and regulation as important aspects of medern life.
Question: 1 what do we mean by media? 2 why is media studies an important subject to study?
Cyberculture: It can be thought of as the social and culture effect of the interaction between humans and digital devices.

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